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Cost VS Quality of a Website

Should the cost of a website be a direct correlation to its quality?

When I build a website, I am building using 4 key factors,

1. Tech Skills –  I have a Masters in IT, and a BS in Marketing pus 12 years of building websites and teaching how to build websites. I can help you avoid making mistakes from the start. I know what hosting plans offer you the best, how to set up business emails, what domains will be most effective, images are sized properly, your site is mobile ready and user-friendly. I understand website building intuitively and the software used to build them.

2. Design Skills – To help hold down the cost, I like to use WordPress or Weebly. They have good themes to work from. Generally, I rely on the layout to some extent, then based on your needs to build up the site. Take a look at the two images below. It is the same URL. MCRWhips.us. The original website had three pages, the new version has 4 with one being a store. Designing the site, I used the logo and images to determine colors, selected fonts that would be easy to read and all the images are new and fresh.

MCR Whips updated by Clients Website Company

Original Weebly Site

MCR Whips revitalized

Revitalized Weebly Site








3. Time – I have time to build your website. At the most, 2 sites are in production. I prefer to focus on one and get it done, this way, your presence on the internet can begin sooner than wait few weeks to a year before it is available to the internet. Your livelihood is reliant on being visible as soon as possible. There is nothing more embarrassing as going to a tradeshow, a market day, or a meeting with a client and not having a website for a prospective client to look at then and there on their phone or your iPad. This website, Lindasartandsoul.com was completed in 2 days.  This site has 5 pages with numerous galleries of her work, organized for a visitor to the site to get ideas of just how talented Linda is.

Lindas Arts and Soul new website

2 Days to Complete








4. Budget – When you hire my company, you are hiring me. Therefore, I work with you to pinpoint what you can afford now and create the site for future growth. I do not have an office in a fancy high-rise, nor do I have interns who I have to train while they work on your site, nor do I have unnecessary overhead. These factors give me the ability to charge less and you the opportunity to get a website done by a professional.

Do Quality and cost go hand in hand, NO. You don’t have to pay $$$ for a great working site. You want your web developer to be passionate about their work, understand your needs and has your back.